




1. 首席仲裁员的产生--两位仲裁员应提名第三位仲裁员出任仲裁庭的首席仲裁员

8.1  (d) the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate a third arbitrator, who shall act as the presiding arbitrator.Failing such designation within 30 days from the confirmation or appointment of the second arbitrator, HKIAC shall appoint the presiding arbitrator.



8.2 (c) in the event of any failure to designate arbitrators under Article 8.2(a) or if the parties do not all agree that they represent two separate sides (as Claimantand Respondent respectively) for the purposes of designating arbitrators,HKIAC may appoint all members of the arbitral tribunal with or without regard to any party’s designation.

若当事人未能依第8.2 (a) 款提名仲裁员,或未能就提名仲裁员约定其分为不同两方(即申请人和被申请人两方),则香港国际仲裁中心可指定仲裁庭的所有成员,而不考虑任何当事人的提名。

3. 可以单独联系仲裁员的情形--指定仲裁员时

11.5 No partyor its representatives shall have any ex parte communication relating to the arbitration with any arbitrator, or with any candidate to be designated as arbitrator by a party, except to advise the candidate of the general nature ofthe dispute, to discuss the candidate's qualifications, availability,impartiality or independence, or to discuss the suitability of candidates forthe designation of a third arbitrator where the parties or party-designated arbitrators are to designate that arbitrator.



11.6 Any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator's impartiality or independence, or if the arbitrator does not possess qualifications agreed by the parties, or if the arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto unable to perform his or her functions or for other reasons fails to act without undue delay.


5. 替换仲裁员的指定程序--恢复原始程序

12.1 Subject to Articles 12.2, 27.13 and 28.8, where an arbitrator dies, has been successfully challenged, has been otherwise removed or has resigned, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the rules that were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced.


These rules shall apply even if, during the process of appointing the arbitrator being replaced,a party had failed to exercise its right to designate or to participate in the appointment.


6. 仲裁地的默示约定--香港

14.1 The parties may agree on the seat of arbitration. Where there is no agreement as to the seat, the seat of arbitration shall be Hong Kong, unless the arbitral tribunal determines, having regard to the circumstances of the case, that another seat is more appropriate.


7. 仲裁庭管辖权异议时限--提交答辩书或者反请求时

19.3 A plea that the arbitral tribunal does not have jurisdiction shall be raised if possible in the Answer to the Notice of Arbitration, and shall be raised no later than in the Statement of Defence, or, with respect to a counterclaim, in the Defence to the Counterclaim.


8. 追加当事人时,各方放弃指定仲裁员的权利,HKIAC委任所有仲裁员

27.12 Where anadditional party is joined to the arbitration, all parties to the arbitrationshall be deemed to have waived their right to designate an arbitrator.


27.13 Where anadditional party is joined to the arbitration before the arbitral tribunal isconstituted, HKIAC may revoke any confirmation or appointment of an arbitrator,and shall appoint the arbitral tribunal with or without regard to any party’sdesignation.


9. 合并仲裁的有关规定--条件、放弃指定仲裁员权利、HKIAC委任所有仲裁员

28.1 HKIAC shall have the power, at the request of a party and after consulting with the parties and any confirmed or appointed arbitrators, to consolidate two or more arbitrations pending under these Rules where:


(a) the parties agree to consolidate; or


(b) all of the claims in the arbitrations are made under the same arbitration agreement; or


(c) the claims are made under more than one arbitration agreement, a common question of law or fact arises in all of the arbitrations, the rights to relief claimed are in respect of, or arise out of, the same transaction or a series of related transactions and the arbitration agreements are compatible.


28.8 Where HKIAC decides to consolidate two or more arbitrations, the parties to all such arbitrations shall be deemed to have waived their right to designate an arbitrator, and HKIAC may revoke any confirmation or appointment of an arbitrator.


HKIAC shall appoint the arbitral tribunal in respect of the consolidated proceedings withor without regard to any party’s designation.


10. 多份合同一个仲裁--适用条件、

29. Claims arising out of or in connection with more than one contract may be made in a single arbitration, provided that:


(a) a common question of law or fact arises under each arbitration agreement giving rise to the arbitration; and


(b) the rights to relief claimed are in respect of, or arise out of, the same transaction or aseries of related transactions; and


(c) the arbitration agreements under which those claims are made are compatible.


11. 第三方资助作为裁定仲裁费用时的一个参考因素

34.4 The arbitral tribunal may take into account any third party funding arrangement in determining all or part of the costs of the arbitration referred to in Article 34.1.


12. 早期驳回的条件--明显缺乏依据、超出仲裁庭管辖权等

43.1 The arbitral tribunal shall have the power, at the request of any party and after consulting with all other parties, to decide one or more points of law or fact by way of early determination procedure, on the basis that:


(a) such points of law or fact are manifestly without merit; or


(b) such points of law or fact are manifestly outside the arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction; or


(c) even if such points of law or fact are submitted by another party and are assumed to be correct, no award could be rendered in favour of that party.


43.5......The arbitraltribunal shall make such decision within 30 days from the date of filing the request.


13. 第三方资助的有关规定---信息披露

44.1 If a funding agreement is made, the funded party shall communicate a written notice to all other parties, the arbitral tribunal, any emergency arbitrator and HKIAC of:


(a) the factt hat a funding agreement has been made; and


(b) the identity of the third party funder.


44.2 The noticere ferred to in Article 44.1 must be communicated:


(a) in respect of a funding agreement made on or before the commencement of the arbitration, in the application for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator, the Notice of Arbitration, the Answer to the Notice of Arbitration, the Request for Joinder or the Answer to the Request for Joinder (as applicable); or


(b) in respect of a funding agreement made after the commencement of the arbitration, as soon as practicable after the funding agreement is made.


44.3 Any funded party shall disclose any changes to the information referred to in Article 44.1 that occur after the initial disclosure.


14. 快速仲裁程序等其他主要内容



